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Duluth Georgia holds two main special events in their town each year. The first is the Duluth Heritage Days, usually held in May. During this event, several of the town’s businesses are in the spotlight as they provide a history of their establishment and showcase their wares. The largest special event in town is the Duluth Fall Festival, held the last weekend in September. This event draws a crowd of approximately 40,000 and is held at the beautiful Festival Center and Amphitheater. Opening day is kicked off with a big parade, and more than 250 arts and crafts and food vendors participate in the event. All kinds of entertainment runs continuously throughout the weekend, and proceeds from the festival go toward the beautification and improvements for downtown Duluth. In the summertime, the city holds outdoor summer concerts at the Festival Center and “Flicks on the Bricks,” where outdoor movies are shown on the Town Green. Many of the other neighboring towns hold their own special events and festivals throughout the season, and the Gwinnett County Fair is usually held in September in the nearby town of Lawrenceville.

The following is a list of special events held in nearby Atlanta and Stone Mountain State Park.


Annual Atlanta Film Festival, usually held in June. Features premiere screenings of independent films and videos, seminars and guest appearances by filmmakers and video artists from around the world.

Free Concerts by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra – ongoing during the summer months at various locations throughout the city.

Fourth of July in Atlanta – See the South’s largest fireworks display at Lenox Square.


Georgia Frontier Days in Stone Mountain Park – held the last week of April.

Annual Stone Mountain Village Arts & Crafts Festival – crafters from around the country exhibit their arts and crafts throughout the town. Food and entertainment are also part of the festivities.

Stone Mountain Village Fourth of July Race & Parade and the Fantastic Fourth of July Celebration in Stone Mountain Park.

The Highland Games and Scottish Festival – Stone Mountain Park hosts this event where Scots from around the world gather in their family tartans to the sound of bagpipe music floating through the woods and meadows. Competitive events, music, vendors and arts & crafts are a part of the celebration. One of the largest events of this type in the country, held in mid-October.

Hometown Holiday Celebration in Stone Mountain Village – runs November through December. Features candlelight shopping, holiday parades, tree lighting and breakfast with Santa.


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